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Cathedrals of Industry Series

So far I have variations on...

Among the shadows...the towers of Sloss


Screen print with various monoprints

Sloss Shed #1


Screen print with various Monoprints

Rust Prints - mixed media

For these, I utilize found and specifically made pieces of cast iron and steel to create images from iron oxide on cotton fabric and paper.  The compositions are created with wood, nails, and wool.

The other colorations are achieved with natural pigments created from fresh and dried plant materials, based upon my research of mordants and dyeing.

Your Voice is With Me (series)

"Endurance of Youth" (iris)

"Forever with me..." (camellia)

"Warm days... not so long ago..." (daylily)

"With kindness and caring..." (azalea)

"There is a time..." (daffodil)

Completed 2017 during Atlanta Printmakers Studio Emerging Artist Residency.  Referencing the language of flowers, I associate certain flowers with myself and the strong women in my family who have influenced my growth throughout my life.  


found book pages, iron oxide, thread


Monoprints - mixed media

Much of my work includes experimentation with natural substances as colorants.  These are few examples of my work with iron oxide and other applications.

The floor monoprints are a combination of flour, coffee, cocoa, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

My other mixed media monoprints include spray paint, acrylic paint, india ink, and colored pencils.

What is Family? Series

Mixed Media and Lithography

Book Arts

Letterpress and Screenprinting

with thread, cork, and tea dye

"Post Bound"

"Wisdom of Tea"

"Fine Women, Fast Cars, and Family"

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